Borealis Broadband Internet Provider

If you have an emergency, please call us at (907) 563-3278 instead of using the online options.

Thank you for using our Technical Support page. Please use this support page only if you experience problems with either Borealis' products or our online service. If you have general engineering or technical questions, please see our Consulting page for guidelines. For our online subscribers and our product customers, technical support is usually free of charge. However, we may bill for a technical support call if any of the following conditions exists:

  • The support request is not related to a problem or question on our product or service
  • The condition generating the support call is traced to a problem not caused by us

Please Note: You will be notified if a call is billable, before charges occur.

Already ordered Starlink and need professional installation? Click here to fill out our request form to get on our installation schedule.

  • reorderFree Support Criteria

    Support is provided for free during installation and any time the network is suspected of being at fault on an issue.

    Free Installation Support

    For Business: Installation and configuration of Borealis radio client and any Borealis routers deployed. Includes service level verification testing. We'll even configure your own router for you.

    For Residential: Installation and configuration of Borealis radio client, one firewall router (if present) and up to two connected devices. Includes service level verification testing.

    Free Trouble Support

    doneNetwork Performance Issues
    doneNetwork Disconnect Issues
    doneServer problems
    doneEmail problems
    doneNetwork downtime of any sort

  • reorderBilled Support Criteria

    We bill for support calls when they are not related to a problem on the network or on our servers and are not already covered under the Free Support criteria above

    Business Support Price

    $150.00 /hour during business hours
    $225.00 /hour after business hours

    Residential Support Price

    $75.00 for router configuration
    $150.00 /hour for labor and other support work

    Billable Support

    Virus scanning and cleaning of computers. Easily the number one performance problem for home computers.

    Repairing, moving or replacing the antenna or radio client after the initial installation. Exception: Repairing a damaged antenna due to "Acts of God" such as weather is not billed if the gear is owned by Borealis.

    General Computer Support. This would include repairing your computer, installing peripherals, loading or configuring software for you, etc.

You can request information or support from us directly from this page.

Please fill out the form below. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk *

*Customer type
