Borealis Broadband Internet Provider

Coverage Area

Our current coverage area is shown on the map below. You may zoom in and out for more detail.

Please note that if your location shows within the coverage area, it does not automatically guarantee service availability. We will always have to conduct a "site survey" to verify that there are no physical obstructions between your location and our nearest base site, such as trees, buildings, hills, etc. If the site survey passes, then we can provide you service. For more details, please visit our How We Do it page.

We are also constantly expanding our coverage area. If your location shows as outside of our current coverage area, you may give us a call or contact us through the Questions and Concerns form below. We'll be able to let you know if our coverage has changed or, if sufficient demand is generated in an area, we may add that location to our buildout plan.

To request service, please see our Request Service page