Borealis Broadband owns and operates a Fixed Wireless Broadband network in Anchorage and Eagle River. Our network has been delivering professional quality Internet service to our Business and Residential customers since 1997 and we are completely independent of the other major local carriers such as ACS or GCI. Borealis Broadband's network connects to the Internet backbone via AT&T Alaska for the most consistent, highest quality of service available. Our customers enjoy Professional Quality, Symmetric bandwidth services with low latency to the Internet as well as through our local infrastructure. We specialize in hard-to-reach places too. If your business is in an industrial park or other area with limited Internet bandwidth options, you should give us a call - or even if you'd just like to step up to a professional quality Internet connection with symmetric bandwidth. We can also provide IT Support for your organization, Fixed Wireless consulting and engineering services, WiFi engineering and installation as well as Network Engineering services. See our Consulting page for more details.
Office Address
Borealis Broadband, Inc. Suite 27 907 E Dowling Road Anchorage, AK 99518
contact_phone (907) 563-3278 print (907) 337-4695
Web Contact
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Call us at (907) 563-3278 phone
For Support, please see our Support page.
For other services, please see our Consulting page.