Borealis Broadband Internet Provider

The AlaskaCam - 4th Avenue and G Street (East View)
This is the world famous AlaskaCam, upgraded and now also hosted by Borealis Broadband.

This camera is located on the corner of 4th Avenue and G Street, on top of the Alaska Building, looking down 4th Avenue toward the east. To the left, behind the trees, is the Old Federal Court building and the white high-rise behind it is the Hilton Hotel. To the right in the image, you can see where the Fourth Avenue Theater used to be, we're looking forward to seeing what happens next! In the far background are the Chugach Mountains.

This camera also catches several downtown events such as the Fur Rondy and the Iditarod.

The image on this page is updated every 10 seconds during the race start. Be sure to press the refresh button on your browser often.
Click or touch this image to see the MEGA-view.  Right-click or touch and hold an image to download it.